Male Chastity in a Long Distance Relationship

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Let’s say you’re in a long distance relationship, or you and your partner simply don’t live together, but you want to practice male chastity. How do you do it? In this post, I’ll present several options for how to practice male chastity remotely. These suggestions are based on actual personal experience. They work, they’re fun, and they’re a great way to spice up your relationship.

The Honor System for Male Chastity

When my wife and I were still dating, we used the honor system. It’s perfectly fine and it works. And in a long distance relationship, it’s probably the safest option. As a couple, you can choose whether the male should be locked in a chastity cage, and then you both agree that he simply doesn’t masturbate. In our case, I agreed that I would never masturbate and that whenever I felt so aroused that I felt the need to masturbate, I would instead lock myself in my chastity cage, and would text my wife (girlfriend at the time) to let her know.

I found that wearing the chastity cage was an excellent reminder of my promise to her, and even though I was still incredibly horny, the practice of male chastity made it much easier to refrain from pleasuring myself. In fact, the practice of male chastity became the pleasure. I was very happy to wear my chastity cage for as long as necessary to prevent me from breaking my promise to not masturbate. My girlfriend loved that I made and kept my promise and that I was willing to go so far as to wear a chastity cage to ensure that I kept that promise.

Event though I could have unlocked my chastity cage at any time, I found that the simple act of wearing it put me in a mindset that I wouldn’t ever even think of unlocking myself in order to masturbate. My desire to remain chaste for my girlfriend and the pleasure I got from the constant reminder of being locked in male chastity was even more appealing than a few fleeting minutes of pleasure I’d derive from masturbation. This method of practicing male chastity in a long distance relationship is simple, easy, and it works.

Using a Timed Lock Box for Male Chastity

When practicing male chastity, it’s nice to have the feeling that you couldn’t unlock your chastity cage even if you wanted to do so. That’s where a timed lock box comes in. Before my wife and I got married, we experimented with a Kitchen Safe Time Locking Container. These are typically used for cutting off access to sugary snacks or mobile phones, but they work as an excellent way to keep keys to chastity cages locked up. The way it works is that you place your chastity cage keys inside the timed lock box, set the timer, and it remains locked until it automatically unlocks at the specified time you set.

Kitchen Safe Time Locking Container

I found the timed locking container to be a great option in the absence of a partner who can hold the keys for you. I loved the feeling of being truly locked in my chastity cage and unable to access the key. For safety purposes, I also knew that in an emergency, I could always break open the container by brute force if I needed to get to the key. The Kitchen Safe Time Locking Container is an excellent way to practice male chastity in a long distance relationship or even when both partners are living together.

Available on Amazon: Kitchen Safe Time Locking Container

iKeyp Pro Wi-Fi Personal Smart Safe

The iKeyp Pro Smart Safe is my favorite option for long distance male chastity. This smart safe connects to your home WiFi and it allows the user to control locking and unlocking via the smartphone app. For a long time, my girlfriend and I would use this by me putting the keys in the safe and texting her. From wherever she was, she would lock or unlock the safe remotely depending upon what was needed. This made it possible for me to be locked in male chastity whenever we were away from one another, but still be able to get unlocked for emergencies, doctor visits, or certain sporting activities.

iKeyp Pro WiFi Smart Safe

The iKeyp Pro Wifi Smart Safe is a convenient solution for those practicing male chastity remotely. However, I’d recommend keeping a copy of the physical key on hand just in case as the smartphone app can sometimes be a little unreliable, and if the WiFi on either end is acting up, you could find yourself with an actual emergency. I’d suggest that the keyholder hide the physical key somewhere in the locked partner’s home without revealing the location. This way, the keyholder can reveal the location only in case of an emergency.

Available on Amazon: iKeyp Pro Wifi Smart Safe


Being in a long distance relationship or not living together don’t have to be reasons to not practice male chastity. In fact, male chastity can really be a fantastic way to spice up a long distance relationship. I highly recommend giving the aforementioned suggestions a try. From personal experience, I can say that all three options work great, and it’s not even necessary to adhere to one specific option. Mix them up for different situations and have fun practicing male chastity remotely!

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