Is Men’s Thong Underwear Comfortable?


This is a question I see coming up quite often in conversation and in online forums. Is men’s thong underwear comfortable? It seems that people settle on both sides of the matter depending upon their experience. Obviously, this is a very subjective issue and there’s no right or wrong answer, but I hope to provide some insight and dispel some myths about wearing thong underwear and the degree of comfort thongs provide.

Thong Wearing is a State of Mind

One aspect that affects whether you find men’s thong underwear comfortable is your attitude toward wearing thong underwear. If one views thong underwear as a purely utilitarian garment with the purpose of eliminating underwear lines under clothing or looking sexy for your partner, it’ll be more likely to find the underwear style uncomfortable. When wearing men’s thong underwear for purely utilitarian purposes, if one doesn’t find value and enjoyment in wearing sexy underwear, they’ll be less likely to take the time to adjust to this underwear choice. For example, my wife doesn’t particularly enjoy wearing thongs. She tried them and quickly abandoned them. Even the thongs I bought for her to wear in the bedroom sit unused in a drawer. I think she looks incredibly sexy in thong underwear, but she also knows that I think she looks sexy in anything she wears, and that I’d never pressure her to wear anything she didn’t feel comfortable in, so she leaves the thong wearing to me. In fact, my wife absolutely LOVES that I wear thong underwear all the time. She finds it incredibly sexy.

On the other hand, I love the look and the feel of thong underwear. When I discovered that there were companies manufacturing thong underwear for men, I couldn’t wait to try them! The first thongs I wore didn’t fit all that well and the the male physique seemed to be an afterthought in the design process. Even with (compared to today) substandard fit and design, I was willing to compromise on fit and comfort in order to wear sexy underwear. It just felt nice to wear something sexy under my clothes.

are thongs comfortable
Men’s thong underwear is great for lounging around!

Now that men’s thong underwear design has come a long way, it’s relatively easy to find extremely comfortable thongs for men. That said, a well made thong isn’t going to sell everyone.

I happen to love the look of thong underwear and I love the feeling of wearing sexy underwear under my clothes. As for the fabric between the butt cheeks, I find it incredibly sexy and erotic. If the thong fits correctly, the fabric between the butt cheeks is barely noticeable and when it is, it’s only a reminder from time to time that I’m wearing sexy undies, but it’s a hinderance in any way. Not only do I not mind it, I quite enjoy it. It’s one of the things that makes wearing thong underwear feel sexy and fun.

Freedom of Movement Makes Men’s Thong Underwear Comfortable

While initially it’s easy to feel very self conscious about feeling fabric running up your bum crack, one quickly forgets about it and only notices it occasionally. On the other hand, this is exactly what makes men’s thong underwear comfortable to wear. The freedom of movement afforded by thong underwear can’t be found anywhere else. Whenever I put on a boxer brief, I now feel constricted and long for a thong again. For those who complain about a piece of fabric running up your butt, in a boxer or boxer brief that piece of fabric is simply replaced by fabric bunching up around your legs and thighs. It’s just a matter of which you prefer (or dislike less).

For me, I’ll always choose a thong between my butt cheeks and freedom of movement over underwear bunching up under my trousers.

Doing Your Research on Thongs

Sometimes potential thong wearers dismiss the garment as uncomfortable without fully giving it a fair chance. It’s important to try several brands, models, and fabrics as well as making sure you’re wearing the right size before jumping to conclusions. By now, I have preferences in each of these areas and can make an educated decision when choosing a thong.

Allow Enough Time to Get Used to Thongs

It’s also important to take enough time to get used to wearing thongs. It’ll feel strange to feel the fabric between your butt cheeks at first, but after wearing thongs everyday for a few weeks, it’s easy to get used to it.

I pretty much wear men’s thong underwear 24/7. I wear thongs during the day when I’m going about my business as well as at night when I’m sleeping. My girlfriend loves when I come to bed in a thong and she enjoys admiring and touching my body when I undress for her, and frankly, I enjoy it too. So while I wear thongs for her visual enjoyment, it brings me pleasure too. Once I wore thongs for a few weeks nonstop, I found it was quite comfortable to wear a thong to bed as well.

I’ve now been wearing thongs so much that it feels strange to not wear one.

Enjoy Feeling Sexy

Part of wearing men’s thong underwear is enjoying feeling sexy. If you don’t have a partner to wear a thong for, simply enjoying going about your day feeling sexy is certainly enough. I love feeling the thong under my clothes and thinking of my girlfriend enjoying seeing me in it. It makes me feel sexy and it also makes me think of her throughout the day. I especially love undressing for her in the evening and feeling her eyes on me. I’ve also caught her feeling up my butt in bed when we cuddle as we go to sleep. It’s a wonderful feeling to be admired in that way, and it brings a spark to out relationship. In this way, feeling the thong between the cheeks is a pleasant sensation that’s to be embraced rather than an annoyance.

Having Variety Makes Thong Wearing More Comfortable

I have a large collection of men’s thong underwear, probably much more than most people. I find this helps. Every thong fits a bit differently, so when I pick out a thong to wear I know how it will feel and how noticeable it will be. This is one of the reasons why I vary my thongs from day to day. What might feel quite comfortable one day might not be my choice to wear many days in a row. I enjoy adding variety, and that helps to make thongs even more comfortable.


While the answer to the questions of “are thongs comfortable” is quite subjective, we must remember that if one finds thongs sexy to look at and truly enjoys feeling sexy in their underwear, it’ll be much more likely that such a person would enjoy wearing thongs and would find that thongs are comfortable to wear. It’s also essential to take the time to adjust to the garment and to find the model with the proper fit. Thongs aren’t for everyone, but I do believe that if given a chance, many more people would enjoy wearing them.