Why is Men’s Thong Underwear So Sexy?


I’ve always thought that men’s thong underwear was incredibly sexy and the first time I saw a thong, I knew I wanted to feel the sexiness of wearing one. For some reason, many people (including myself) find them irresistible to look at, to touch, or to wear. For many years, I sat on the sidelines watching many sexy styles of women’s thong underwear hit the mainstream with very limited choices of men’s thong underwear.

Eventually, the men’s thong underwear market began to play catch-up and better choices became available. It’s now possible to find men’s thong in a multitude of styles, fit, colors, and fabrics. Even though I wear a thong nearly every day, I still find putting on a thong and wearing it to be incredibly thrilling and sexy. In this post, we’ll explore some of the reasons that men’s thong underwear is so sexy.

Men’s Thong Underwear Offers Minimal Coverage

I suppose the most obvious appeal is the minimal coverage that thong underwear offers. It leaves little to the imagination, but it’s always nice to leave that extra bit to the imagination. Personally, I actually prefer to see a woman in a thong or a cheeky cut underwear than a minimal g-string as I find a g-string too revealing.

For women or for men, wearing thong underwear is about as close as you can get to walking around naked. My wife always preferred me to sleep naked until she saw me in the thong. I now wear men’s thong underwear to bed every single night and she loves it. It offers all the benefits of sleeping naked, but adds the sexy element as well. She loves running her hand all over my butt as we lay together in bed, and the thong is the perfect vehicle to accentuate the body’s curves.

Men’s Thongs Highlight the Body’s Natural Curves

Thong underwear, whether worn by a man or a woman, shows off the wearer’s natural curves. My wife loves when I wear my cheeky cut thongs as they show off the curves of my butt cheeks. You can’t get that from a g-string!

man holding red textile
Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS on Pexels.com

I should also mention that I work out regularly and watch my nutrition, so fitness is a huge part of my life. My body has a natural athletic shape to it and I’m fairly muscular. My wife tells me that she loves how my thongs highlight my muscles. When my thong reveals my glutes, she can see the muscles all throughout my butt and legs, and the revealing nature of the thong brings out my upper body muscles too.

Men’s Thong Underwear Feels Sexy To Wear

Personally, I love the feeling of a thong. Knowing that I’m wearing something extra sexy and revealing is a huge turn-on and gives me an extra spring in my step throughout the day. Also, there’s something a bit naughty about feeling the fabric of the thong between my butt cheeks. The butt is also a huge erogenous zone for me (and for many men), so wearing a thong is like having a little anal massage all day long.

Even if it’s barely or rarely noticeable, wearing men’s thong underwear is a constant reminder that I’m wearing something sexy under my clothes and nobody knows it except for me and my wife, which leads me to my next point…

Wearing A Thong Is Like A Little Secret Between You and Your Significant Other

My wife and I love that I always surprise her with a different thong. It’s our little secret. Every morning, I pick out a different pair of thong underwear based on my mood, my plans for the day, and what I want to show off to my wife. I try to mix it up and show off something different for her each time. That’s one of the reasons why I have a large variety of men’s thong underwear. In fact, I probably have too many pairs (likely close to 100). I can pick out my thong based on whether I’ll be active that day, which clothes I’m wearing, or whether I need to account for wearing a chastity cage. On any given day, I have a wide choice of colors, styles, and fits that I can wear for my wife and she never knows what to expect.


If you’ve not tried men’s thong underwear before, I highly encourage you to try a few pairs and find something that works for you. They’re incredibly comfortable, they’re stylish, they’re incredibly sexy, and they’re a lot of fun to wear.

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